the experience

My goal is to get you moving through life again. That could mean running an ultramarathon, gardening, or doing basic household tasks. This medicine is more than just needles. Modern Chinese Medicine treats from both a western and eastern perspective and physiology. Orthopedic testing,  Tui Na, Cupping, Moxa, Guasha, Electro stim, LED Light Therapy, Herbal Formulas, Exercises, Topicals, and  Soaks are all adjuncts available to enhance your treatment as needed. You’re entering a world of healthcare that is, in my mind, pretty amazing and far reaching.


• Brain Fog

• Heart Irregularities

• Chronic Fatigue

• emotional irregularities

• digestive health

• physical/emotional wellness

• chronic/acute conditions

• Plantar Fasciitis

• nerve pain/radiculopathy/neuropathy

• post-operative pain & recovery

• carpal tunnel

• jaw pain

• mood imbalances

• injury & pain

• arthritis

• joint pain

• back issues

• sciatica

• headaches/migraines

• Sport injuries


Acupuncture is the insertion of fine hair like needles to stimulate circulation, decrease pain,  release trigger points, reduce inflammation, and balance body systems. Acupuncture works very  closely with the central nervous system, and in doing so can address not only pain issues, but  sleep, fatigue, digestion, respiratory issues, illness, disease, and more. 

SERVICES we offer


(Coming soon)

Microneedling is a minimally invasive treatment that targets fine lines, wrinkles, scars,  discoloration, and overall skin texture. Using the AcuMicro pen, we create micro-punctures on the  skin’s surface to induce collagen production, reverse the signs of aging, and rejuvenate your skin. Cosmetic Acupuncture is also a minimally invasive way to rejuvenate aging skin. While there are  many overlaps with microneedling, acupuncture excels in lifting and plumping tired fascia and  muscles as well as loosening tension in the tissues that contribute to deeper frowns and furrows.  With no down time, less risk, and less discomfort, cosmetic acupuncture is an excellent choice  for preventative maintenance, rejuvenation, and even stress relief. While single sessions are available, microneedling is best in a series of 3-6 treatments with effects lasting up to 5 years. A series of 12-24 sessions are recommended for cosmetic acupuncture with  regular maintenance that can be decided between you and your practitioner.

  • Initial visit includes a 20 minute consult, numbing with lidocaine while a few acupuncture points  are placed in the body for grounding and relaxation. After removing the creme, a hyaluronic acid description

  • Deluxe Rejuvenation includes Body and Facial acupuncture with Celluma light therapy, cupping, and guasha.

  • description 


Science backed LED light therapy for acne treatment, anti-aging, wound healing, and pain relief. This is a stand-alone therapy treatment that does not include acupuncture or any other adjunct therapy.

  • For first time users. At this visit, I will walk you through how to use the device safely and  effectively, and help set you up for a relaxing 30 minutes of light healing. Payments will be put on  file for you to enjoy a smooth return and gentle exit. While available as a single treatment, 2-3  treatments per week for 4 weeks is recommended to truly treat anti-aging or for pain relief.

  • Ready, set, zzzz! Welcome back to another relaxing session of low level light therapy.  Celluma Pro is also available for rent or purchase. Please contact the office for more information.

  • For clients who are new to the office. At this visit, we will be performing a full intake, assessment  and discussion of how we can work together to make you feel better. Expect to receive my  undivided attention for this 60 to 90 minutes, which will include your first treatment. Please come  dressed in loose and comfortable clothing, have a snack ahead of time, and we look forward to  working with you.

  • For patients who have already seen me for a full assessment. Continuing treatments work to help  you resolve your chronic or acute issue.

  • For established patients only. Excellent for soothing sore muscles, reducing inflammation,  increasing circulation, and aiding in recovery. 30 minutes of self care.

method of treatment

Both Chinese and Western methods of treatment overlap in more ways than you might think. Trigger point therapy (treating areas of hyperirritability or palpable nodules in the muscle) is not a modern concept. And the fact the majority of acupuncture points are found along nerve pathways is a clear indication of the science behind Chinese Medicine. 

It should be noted that there is an attempt to differentiate “dry needling” treatments from Chinese Medicinal Orthopedic Acupuncture. What it boils down to is experience and needling techniques. I, and others in my field, base our treatments on solid Western anatomy and needling experience that far surpasses those who become certified via 50-hour programs.

Compare that to immersion in our medicine and four years of acquired needling skills and hands-on treatment. We know what we’re doing. Most acupuncturists are an amalgam of styles and techniques that we pick up as we progress through our fields. 

I currently specialize in orthopedics, trigger point, and manual therapies using standard orthopedic testing along with a Chinese Medicine approach to recovery. Mixed within everything I do is a trained eye to traditional chinese medicine pathology patterns, a recognition that both acute and chronic issues can be tied to more than what you come in for, and the ability to merge a systemic and focal approach to your recovery. Then again, sometimes a sprain is just a sprain, so I got you covered. 

fee information

Fee is Due at Time of Service for insured and uninsured (*exception below)

$250 New Patient Visit | $140 Continuing Patient Visit | $80 Cupping/Guasha

Superbills can be provided should you need them for your insurance. 

Cigna PPO: We are in-network and process claims in-house

Please notify the office of your Cigna policy before you visit our office. While we will check your benefits, it is ultimately the responsibility of the patient to understand the scope and limits of their insurance policy, including deductibles and number of visits allowed per calendar year.


Do you do dry needling? 

Short answer. Absolutely. Today, dry needling in California is not legal unless done by a licensed acupuncturist or MD. In other states, many other professions are using acupuncture after as little as a 54 hours of training and with little to no practice on patients. One program I saw used cadavers. Compared to near 3,500 hours of study, including over 350 patients, and over 350 hours of needle technique and safety alone upon licensing, our skillset  and ability to use acupuncture safely exceeds those who go through a weekend program. The risk of pneumothorax or other visceral trauma, while always present, has been found more likely with poor technique or in the absence of proper training. 

Are you contracted with any insurance providers?

I am currently contracted with Cigna PPO. This is the only insurance we process in-house. If you are covered by another insurance or have no coverage, payment is due at time of service and a superbill will be provided if you need it. 

What is a Health Savings Account (HSA)?

A HSA is a tax-deductible health savings account which is set up by you or your employer that you can use to pay towards your acupuncture treatments. The amount that you choose to invest into this account is able to be deducted from your taxable income.

how do I use my HSA? 

You will be given a special HSA credit card that works the same as any other credit card – give it to your health care provider at the time of treatment. You may also receive a checkbook that is linked to your HSA account.

What is a superbill? 

A superbill is a receipt of services that includes a diagnosis code and a procedure code. It is used for patients to submit to insurance companies themselves for direct reimbursement within the patient’s insurance benefit plan.

Will it hurt? 

Not usually. The needles we use are hair-thin and only rarely cause discomfort. That being said, I am happy to work at your comfort level because I want you to love this medicine as much as I do. And I’ll let you in on a secret, I think acupuncture is fabulous, but I still get nervous when I am the patient!  But that’s ok!  And I’m happy to hold your hand. 

Do you sterilize your needles? 

As per the State of California, all our needles are sterile, single-use and disposable. We use them once and then they are then disposed in a sharps containers.

How long will the needles be left in? 

This is where I may differ from most practitioners. Resting with the needles will vary based on your condition. Some deep, deficient conditions may require resting for most of the treatment hour. 30 minutes is the minimum for the body’s circulation to push through a cycle based on Chinese medicine theory. Others may require different techniques and orthopedic testing which can require less needle retention time, more movement, or a treatment on different sides of the body. Each visit is modified based on an individual’s progression and assessment. There is no standard at my clinic. It is tailored to you. 

Are Chinese herbs a scam? 

In my mind, Chinese herbal formulas are one of the most underestimated healthcare options out there. Able to address both simple and complex conditions of every flavor with very little risk of side effects, it is a powerful form of medicine. From treating colds and virus’ to fatigue, sleep, pain, neurological and circulatory issues, its reach is vast and effective. As it’s an herbal medicine, its effects can be quick or slow depending on the condition. In world being quickly affected by the long effects of Epstein Barre, COVID, Lyme, and other deeply intractable illnesses, I believe this medicine will be crucial. I use them myself all the time. Ask me when I see you. 

What should I wear to treatment? 

Loose comfortable clothing is ideal. I may need to get to your knees, shoulders, clavicles, abdomen, etc. . Be comfy and prepared. 

Is there anything I should know before getting a treatment? 

Yes! Please make sure that you have eaten something substantial within the previous 2 hours. Try not to come on an empty stomach. Also, acupuncture’s focus is to relax, warm, and to smooth your circulation to aid in healing. Any exercise or strenuous activity should be done before your visit so you can let acupuncture do it’s magic for the rest of the day. 

Why so much paperwork? 

Your past history often impacts your present. It is important to me that I have a full health history (from childhood on) in order to be able to assess how best to treat you today. Past illness, bumps on the head, or history of stomach aches may not seem relevant to you when you’re coming in for knee pain, but may have relevance to me in how I address your issue.  Never underestimate how an old trauma can impact your health today. Treatment outcomes can change dramatically when I know the full story.